

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Informal Learning

  1. Lots of learning occurs outside any kind of formal study environment
  2. Learning does not begin and end inside the classroom
  3. Turn everyday activities into opportunities for learning
  4. Look at situations where your child is bored or restless as being a perfect opportunity for learning
  5. When your child is bored, look for things to intrigue him and get him thinking
  6. Encourage your child to engage his mind in real-life situations
  7. Use your understanding of your child’s personality and interests to determine what might pique his curiosity
  8. Don’t try to get your child started on something in which he obviously has no interest
  9. Most young children already learn informally through play
  10. Virtually every learning activity for a young child should incorporate an element of play
  11. If you have a young child, make sure he usually has something to do, so that he keeps himself mentally and/or physically active
  12. Put your young child in a position where he can easily see the world around him
  13. Get older children involved in your own activities
  14. If you have an older child, talk to him frequently about the things you’re doing and encourage him to contribute his own thoughts
  15. Older children can learn a vast amount by reading for pleasure

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